Igor Kocis is a co-founder of GA Drilling and brings more than 25 years of engineering and business development leadership experience to the company. Previously, Igor built ARDACO, a technology company, from scratch to 50 employees.
Since 2008 as CEO of GA Drilling, where GA stands for Geothermal Anywhere, Igor has fully dedicated GA Drilling and his mission to bringing affordable, cheaper and cleaner energy to everyone anywhere. Thanks to Igor's clear vision and strong leadership, GA Drilling brings its new break-through technology PLASMABIT ™ to the drilling market with a range of capabilities that promise to transform energy development and address climate issues.
As GA Drilling CEO, Igor is responsible for company strategy and business management, leading the strategic investment process. In his determination to solve the world's greatest environmental challenge, Igor created an international ecosystem in support of a deep-geothermal solution that he promotes with uncommon persistence. Igor has been selected for the exclusive list of top 100 innovators in Central and Eastern Europe, and the company has been repeatedly ranked among the best European innovation companies.