Oil & Gas Geothermal Panel Part 1 of 2

Date and Time
October 23, 2020 10:15 AM (PDT)–11:15 AM (PDT)

The Geothermal Field of the Future: what does it look like, and does oil & gas technology play a role

What does the geothermal field of the future look like, 10-15 years hence?  Where will it be, how will we find it, and how will we develop it?  Will it be developed using the mature technologies of today, or will new technologies arise (some from oil & gas, perhaps) that will change how we think about the fields and how we use them?  The panelists will be given a nominal scenario and will be asked to envision the future, both from the surface and subsurface perspective.

Moderator: Malcolm Ross

Part 1: Sub-surface Considerations

  • Exploration
  • Drilling
  • Completion
    • Open vs. closed
    • Fracking
    • Other examples
  • Reservoir monitoring and management
Session Code